Saturday, June 18, 2011

Past friendship

   In the midst of times like these, words are hard to come by. The majority of people here are completely and totally submerged into an intimate relationship with Jesus. Often times when people receive salvation they become acquaintances with God. As with every process, continuation usually needs to happen in order for the process to be maintained. So as the relationship continues, the word acquaintance cannot adequately express the extent of this new found relationship. A friendship usually is next. However, the friendship part of the process is where people get stuck. Maybe its because people do not know that there is so much more to God...or maybe they do and there is a lack of commitment to proceed on past the friendship and into an intimate relationship. 
   Before leaving for California to go to Bethel I heard a lot of, "Well, God is here just as much as He is there". And, while that statement is true, there is still a MAJOR difference in the atmosphere created here at Bethel. The difference lies in the relationship level the people here and (other places Im sure) strive for. You see, a friendship is NOT good enough, nor will it satisfy the intense hunger for more of God. They are so incredibly hungry for a deeper relationship with God. They have felt His love and everyday they need more to survive. God is a survival factor. We need to become so dependent on God that if we dont spend time with Him we feel as though we are dying.
   Since I have been here I feel like my love for God has grown so intensely just by being in His presence and around people who are on fire for God. Just like a wildfire spreads without question, so should Gods love in the hearts and souls of people.
   Let us cry out for more. Let us learn and continue to grow in this process. How about busting through the friendship and into the intimate relationship where we know and feel His heart. As with any relationship, the only way to do so is to spend time with Him.
   I can honestly say I have not been so great with my relationship with God...arent we glad he offers grace?! As each day passes I realize how messed up I am. THere are so many things in my life that need changing and fixing. And, God bought me a long time ago so that He could be the one to fix me and transform me and bring me into the beautiful thing called righteousness.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful Liz. I completely agree with you and feel very similar, especially in the past. I love you so much.
