Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Power through Worship

Ever since I was a little girl I have been a colorful dreamer. From amazing dreams with Jesus to not so amazing nightmares. In detail I used to remember EVERYTHING.However, as of late, I have not been able to remember much of my dreams. Whether being random bits and pieces or nothing at all, my dreams seem to diminish from my memory as I wake up. Now, as you can imagine, this can be a little frustrating. I LOVE DREAMS,I WANT TO REMEMBER. And, Jesus knows that :) so..with that knowledge He allowed me to do so a couple nights ago. And, in doing so He taught me something,like always :) In my dream there was panic in the air. Surrounded by thousands of people I am trying to make a decision whether I would be safer going up the stairs of this huge building or down the stairs. A natural disaster is about to strike. The decision to go up is made and the stairs start moving as if they were an escalator.My room with all of my belongings are up so I quickly choose to go after them. As I am going up on these moving stairs, they change direction and begin to descend. As the stairs are taking me down, I hear a girl say," Why are you going down? I am going to be safe because I am going up." I tried to go up, even as I was going down I tried to make it go up. I was not in control. Nothing I tried worked. As I'm descending, the stairs end at the outside front of this gigantic building. People are praying. Crying out. I begin to feel uneasy about the coming of this catastrophe as I hear hundreds of people praying and crying out to... Allah.In the middle of them all there is a fountain on the ground and I feel the need to worship in the midst of it all. Being drawn towards the fountain,eyes closed,I raise my hands and begin to worship. I feel my feet reach the water and slowly I make my way through it. Feeling a reassuring peace wash over me, the water ends and I reach the other side. Opening my eyes I see clueless children among their praying parents. They come to me.And, we begin to dance. Laughing and playing and smiling we create a new atmosphere. The parents and grandparents and teenagers begin to cease in their worship to Allah as they begin to observe the freedom in their children,grandchildren, brothers and sisters. Silence sweeps this place with hope and joy filling it.
You see, even when it seems all odds are against you and you are the only one, God will prevail. Even in the least likely of instances He will make himself known. When hard times are presented and our first thought is that of selfishness, He will alter our course. No matter what we do and the decisions we make, He will change them to fit His plan. So we must worship! If we choose to worship through our fear, worship through our pain, our emptiness, our worries, worship through everything, every circumstance, every situation, He will provide us with the opportunity to fly high above all else. Soaring over it all. Worship brings the power to do the unspeakable, the unimaginable. Even in times when we want to go up where it will be safest, He may be calling us to go down. "Whom shall I fear. The Lord is my light and my salvation."Often times I think people get caught up in the image of how people will perceive their worship. When, in fact, we should be focused on how our King will perceive our worship. Humbly bowing down, offering everything, with the faith that it will be pleasing unto Him. Making Him smile. Making Him laugh. Making Him love us ever more. Because, nothing blesses Him more than a self-sacrificing worship. He waits to spend time with you all day long. Constantly calling. Longing for your time and your love. Cherishing every second spent with you.
So, even in an overwhelming situation, worship. When everyone else is worshipping something else, you know what to do. Worship. Simply worship. Give it all. He just wants you to come and lay everything else down. All your worries, all your fears, all your hopes and dreams. Through your worship power is released. Centuries of traditional worship to false gods will break off of lives as they see your love. Darkness will tremble and light will come. Lives changed, rearanged"I have sworn by Myself, The word has gone forth from My mouth in righteousness And will not turn back, That to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance." Your worship not only blesses your King, but it also creates an atmosphere for change and for others to see the truth.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

WHat if..

Lights begin to dim, 85,000+ people rise to their feet. Their hands in the air, screaming and yelling. The overall excitement expressed is far too much for even this gigantic dome. The music starts to fill my ears, when suddenly a man begins to make his way toward the stage. The excitement heightens as the anticipation grows.. Bono, a band member from U2 holds everyones full attention. Especially, the awe struck fan he will eventually pull up on stage, leaving everyone else with a sense of jealously, longing to be THAT person, in THAT moment. Waving his hands high in the air, swaying side to side. Immediately everyone mimics his every sway. Every word he sings is loudly echoed back. A sort of trance is created. A non-spoken trance. Where everyone is in their own little world. Just them and U2 engulfed by the music.
What if... just what if, by some chance, that many people got excited about their know the man who layed down His life for the opportunity of possessing your love. Your love. Picture it. 85,000+ people all hyped up in anticipation of their Savior showing up! Following His every move. His hand goes to the left, so ours follows. Then to the right . So in-sync. Hearing the beautiful words he sings, and singing together harmoniously with Him. Then, one by one being pulled up on stage. Dancing with the one who loves us more than we could ever fathom. And, we don't have to wait to be picked to be with him on the stage. Because, he wants to dance with us all! Not just the most excited one, or the loudest one who loves Him the most. HE wants the quiet one too, even the shy ones, and the ones who may not even love Him. He wants us all!
Can you imagine the impact? World changing. And, you don't even have to buy a ticket for him to show up. No big fancy stage needed. He will show up on the floor in your room, in the hospital, at a funeral, in your most stressful moment, in a crowded room, at a party, at work,anywhere. Get excited with anticipation of His arrival. He has a good show just waiting for your participation. Leading you in every move, every conversation, every situation. Just follow His lead. Leaving your failures, your past, your present, your future, your disappointments, your short-comings, your everything behind as you come to the dance floor of His healing and transforming love! He is waiting. Waiting for you to come in surrender and humility. Waiting to lift you up in His arms, away from all the pain and hurt. Waiting to look you in the eyes and let you feel His astounding unconditional love. Waiting for you.