Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The simple greatness of a moment

As I was looking through some of my old writings, I found this from a few years ago..and with this current state of rain I figured it appropriate..

Whenever there are days like today..days when the rain either makes you want to: one- run through the rain and escape the present state of reality or two- lie around and contemplate things,listening to the peaceful quiet sound that it brings to Earth. Well, at least those are two of the side effects that rain has on me ..

Anyway, as I am getting onto the tiger transit (absolutely drenched from the rain; already in that contemplative state) I begin to look for an empty seat. Luckily, there is one seat left, in the very back next to some girl on her cell phone just talking away, not even enjoying the wonder and greatness of the rain. Right before the bus was about to take off another girl came onto the bus. However, she was not as lucky as I-she would have to stand..the whole ride.

Minutes passed and a very generous guy got up and kindly offered her his dry seat. This simple moment almost brought me to tears. I really wanted to stand up and hug that guy. Not only because he was attractive, but because he, unlike any other self-absorbed guy on that bus just took one look at this average girl and did not think twice about her not having something as simple as a seat. But, this guy who could probably have any girl he wanted even if he were the biggest jerk in the world cared that this unknown average girl did not have a seat...and it mattered. And, it got me to thinking, why don't we all care about each other that way. No matter how average or strange. No matter how poor or rich. Just us being us...helping one another in need even if nothing comes in return.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Never Alone

Time spent being around people you can have fun with, people you can be yourself with, and people you feel you could cry with, are the most priceless moments in life. Feeling as though I had no one to turn to or to make these amazing moments with, after a while I felt I had no reason to look at life through colorful eyes, so I figured...why not turn to the only one who has been there for me through everything. Even when I, the one He loves, turns my back upon Him, He remains constant. Even through messing up, time and time again. Through sadness.Laughter. Bad days and good... Why not turn to my God who loves me and adores me. And, in doing so, I have been sent some amazing people and have not laughed more in my entire life,than I have in these past couple of days. And, for Him, I have to thank for that :)