Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Broken to Perfection

 While sitting in a youth service a few weeks ago, Jesus began to speak to my heart. I won't go into all the details of the message. But, I will say the main point I got out of the message was the illustration used with eggs. Hard, raw, white, unbroken eggs. At the beginning of the service everyone received an egg to hold throughout the service. Rapping up the message, Pastor Jodi said something along the lines of this, " Every single one of these eggs has a different purpose. This eggs purpose may be to make an omelet." At this point the teenagers started to giggle. But the actual point that was being spoken made sense. She continued with,'" No I'm serious. Maybe you are an omelet. You hold everything together when otherwise it would fall apart. And maybe, this other egg's purpose is to make a cake. You make things sweet and bring joy to everyone around you." She continued on with the different purposes each egg might have. She brought into play that we too are each designed for a different purpose. I have always known this. But, what God brought into perspective was something different.
    From the naked eye my egg looked smooth and perfect just like all the other eggs. But, with further inspection I noticed its imperfection. As I was sitting there holding my egg, I felt a lump on its hard shell. I ran my finger over the lump several times then began to think to myself," There is no way this lump can be smoothed out for this egg unless.. it is broken. No matter how hard I try to smooth out this lump, its hard shell will not allow it. The shell must be broken and put back together to be perfected." Now I know what you're thinking... you cant break a shell and put it back together again to perfection. To which I will are right. But! This is an analogy.  An analogy to which I will relate to God.
    Oftentimes we may be that egg with a lump. Whatever it may be...jealously, anger, sadness, loneliness, confusion, stagnation, etc. But, not everybody can see that we have it. Just know that the only way to perfection in Christ is through brokenness. Even though we as humans would not be able to put back the pieces of a broken egg, God has the power to do all things. When we are broken, God is able to take all the pieces and put them back together again. He knows each broken piece and where it should go to create an amazingly restored child of God.
    If you feel as though you are being broken, do not dwell in the feelings of sadness or confusion. It is in the brokenness that we become whole. It is in the brokenness that we become stronger and greater. And through the brokenness we are able to begin our purpose. Just as an egg shell is broken to create an amazingly tasteful cake or omelet we too must be broken.

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