Friday, July 1, 2011

The heaviness of day to day life

After hearing a message by kris Vallotton yesterday, my heart carried a heaviness  to it. This heaviness had nothing to do with me. It was the heaviness of the world around  me and the people I love who feel it on a day to day basis. One cry of my heart is to carry a compassion inside of me for the hurting, just like our Savior does. And, after this message, my hearts c ry came alive. I always try and see the potential inside each and every human being instead of who they are at the moment. 

Why do we act so differently as we grow up. As kids we were so excited and free!  But then, we do something wrong. And time after time of doing so we begin to dislike ourself. And we put on all this heavy clothing that holds us back when we were made to feel free. Throughout our life we are never told that the person who falls in the biggest hole finds the most Gold. Don't believe in your circumstances more than you believe in the power if God.

Examples: 1. Rahab- the lying prostitute. She lies to the King-Josh 2:1, she hides spies, saves her family. And then where do we see her next? In Matthew 1:1 in the lineage of Christ!

2. David- He was a King, a fugitive, a murderer, a liar, an adulterer. Yet, look at how God viewed David. He moved Gods heart. As David Crowder says in his book Praise Habit, " Davids awareness of rescue was deep and continual. He dressed himself in rescue, redemption, and righteousness.  There is impoliteness in our experience of living. There is darkness and pain. But, the wonder, joy and surprise comes in the middle of darkness with the unexpected presence of God."

In part Kris' message he talked about the difference in conviction and condemnation. Condemnation= not of Christ. He did not come to condemn us, He came to offer us a hope out of our sinful life. Condemnation links our sin to our identity. With condemnation you begin to believe that since you sinned, you are now a sinner. NO! Wrong. Completely wrong. If you believe you are a sinner you will sin because you believe that is who you are. Thats the beauty of what Jesus did and when He steps into the picture. Our sin is not our identity. It is not who we are. He knows we are going to mess up even after we are saved. He offers us a life that says," I WAS a sinner. And, even though I still might mess up every now and then, I am still precious in His eyes."  We have got to understand this to function properly in who we are. We need to live with conviction not condemnation. Just like Kris said yesterday, "Conviction says, "You are a royalty now, come on, you are better than this. Lets fix it :)" We need to realize that just because we mess up, that does not mean we are worse than dirt.

Quit living by your feelings! It will destroy you! QUIT LIVING BY YOUR FEELINGS AND LIVE BY THE TRUTH. The way you treat yourself is the way others will treat you. Change your mindset about yourself. Realize you are awesome and other people will begin to see the change. 

I think this is what separates us from responding to God like we wished we could. We come to God with our head down and ashamed. And, the whole time he is saying, "Stop it! You are acting like the price I paid isn't good enough for you! Come to me. I am so in love with you child. Yes you messed up, but I still love you just as much!"

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